Category NAA Notifications

NAA Meeting #1 is a wrap

The first NAA meeting of the season is in the books and there is lots to talk about.  We’ll have an updated Constitution here on the website in the coming days to reflect changes voted on at the meeting this…

2016 NAA Season Updates are here!

With our first NAA meeting of the 2016 season only 24 hours away (on May 16th at 7pm), there are lots of website updates for you: In the Download Tools area you’ll find the 2016 NAA Pool Information Form as…

1st Meeting of the 2016 NAA Season

Hi all, It’s time to get the season underway!  Our first NAA meeting of the 2016 season will take place on Monday, May 16th at 7pm at the Dorval Community Center.  Please read this entire message for the complete agenda.

Welcome to the 2016 NAA Season!

Hi, I’m Steve Batah, the President of the NAA and I wish all of you a big welcome to the 2016 NAA season! The NAA Executive Committee has set the gears in motion to start planning the upcoming competitive season.…

Bring on 2016!

We’re getting ready over here for the 2016 NAA Season so you’ll see a few changes in the menu. The 2015 results have all now been moved to the NAA Historic Results page along with previous year’s results. The main…

2016 Finals have been awarded

As we do every fall at our last NAA meeting, pools offer to host our various finals events.  The 2016 events were all awarded earlier this week.  You can find the complete calendar on the 2016 Calendar page. Here are the…

Last NAA Meeting of the season August 24th 7pm

Please find below the agenda for the August 24th General Assembly.  Minutes from the June meeting, as well as constitutional change proposals will be emailed prior to the meeting. Any constitutional change proposals must be submitted in writing, prior to,…

New NAA Record Holders

Just when you think the laws of physics make it impossible to go any faster, an athlete comes along to prove you wrong.  Now that the Big Meet is in the books, we’ve updated our records. Neal McComb’s 9-10 backstroke…