Category NAA Notifications

Results continue to pour in

We’ve got updated results from Diving on the 2015 Diving page.   And, just so they’re not left out, we’ve got the first week of Waterpolo Results!  You’ll find them on the 2015 Waterpolo page.

Thorndale – 50 years young

It’s been a remarkable day at Thorndale in Pierrefonds where the pool celebrated its 50th anniversary today.  Aside from the carnival atmosphere, there were members and staff from years gone by to celebrate this remarkable anniversary.  For 50 years Thorndale…

New members of the NAA Executive

There are some new members of the NAA executive who were voted in during our first NAA meeting of this season. Our new Treasurer and VP of Marketing is Ingrid Oldenburg. Louise Hurteau will pass on the mantle of treasurer…

Updated NAA Constitution for 2015

The NAA Constitution has been updated with changes adopted during the May 2015 NAA Meeting.  You can read or download an updated copy of the Constitution on the NAA Constitution page.  Any updates made to the Constitution will be updated…

Countdown underway to the 2015 season!

Yes, it’s time.  Your webmaster is sitting with Steve Batah, president of the NAA right this minute.  “Chris,” he just said, “let’s get a post onto the website reminding people that our first NAA meeting of the 2015 season is…

Historic results now back to 2007

We’ve had a good run at getting our historic results up to date.  You can now see all the results that we have on record back to 2007.  Where results are missing that’s usually because the final results for that…