NAA Meeting #1 is a wrap

naalogo_iconThe first NAA meeting of the season is in the books and there is lots to talk about.  We’ll have an updated Constitution here on the website in the coming days to reflect changes voted on at the meeting this evening.

We’ve also got a brand new VP of Swimming.  We thank Jason Galet for his service. He’ll hand the swimming baton to David Emory who is well known to the NAA with years of swim coaching experience.  Dave’s contact information is on the NAA Executive page.

There are numerous updates to the calendar including a Guppy Swim Meet at VYC (for swimmers 6 and under) and a Lifeguard challenge at WES.  You’ll also see that Synchro Prelims are on the same dates as scheduled but have changed from A-Division and B-Division to Solo and Duet Prelims on one day and Team Prelims on the next day.  Calendar updates can be found on the 2016 Calendar page.

There’ll be more updates to come in the coming days so stay tuned!