Category Waterpolo

All Waterpolo results now posted

We’ve got the Playoff and Finals results from Waterpolo now posted on the 2017 Waterpolo page. Our congratulations to all the athletes this summer.

Waterpolo Finals Championship Schedule

We have your Waterpolo Finals Schedule now available.  This is the last competition of the 2017 season.  You’ll find both the Saturday and Sunday Schedules posted on the 2017 Waterpolo page.

Waterpolo page updated

As some of you may have noticed, the Waterpolo schedule didn’t have all the weeks in the correct order. We’ve done an update to the page which should have things looking a bit better now. Check the Waterpolo page to…

Waterpolo Schedules now available

The 2017 Dual Meet schedule for waterpolo is now available on the Waterpolo page. The schedule shows the Men’s and the Under 12 category in one grid and the women’s schedule in a second grid. Go to the Waterpolo page…

Calendar Update

We have updated the 2017 Calendar with the following information: As a reminder, coaches have must-attend meetings on the following dates: Monday June 26 – Waterpolo. Glenmore at 7:00 PM Tuesday June 27th – Diving. Fairview at 7:00 PM Wednesday June 28th…