Category Swimming

Big Meet and the weather

For those who are keeping an eye on the weather report (And we can promise, no one is doing this more than Dave Emory the Vp of Swimming) the Big Meet will be held on Saturday rain or shine! Only…

A, B and C Time Trials Results are now online

We have posted the A, B and C Time Trials results on the 2016 NAA Results page.  The Combined A, B and C Time Trials results have been updated several times since the events.  Please be advised that only the…

2016 Time Trials Combined Results now online

The all-important 2016 Combined Time Trials Results are now online on the Combined Time Trials Results page.  These results combine all the results from the A, B and C Division Time Trials into one large preliminary result and will be…

Time Trials Results to come in the next 24 hours

We know everyone is waiting anxiously for the Time Trials Results.  Each year once each of the 3 Time Trials is completed, the results must be compiled and then combined into one massive file organized by event and ranked by…

Swim Team Dual Meets scores are all in

We know you’ve been waiting and you need wait no longer!  The 2016 Dual Meet swimming season is complete.  The scores are all in and posted on the Swim Team page.  As you can see, there are great scores from…

Summer Swimmers Meet ribbons

To all coaches who might not yet have the ribbons and trophies earned by their swimmers at the Summer Swimmers Meet, please stop by the front desk of Valleycrest to pick them up!

2016 Summer Swimmers Meet one for the books!

Despite all efforts to complete the meet, Mother Nature would not cooperate! Thunderstorms finally had the meet called after event 21, the last event fully completed. Despite the inclement weather, the athletes were magnificent and the final scores will stand…

Time to get ready for the Summer Swimmers Meet

It is perhaps the best event of the NAA Season; the Summer Swimmers Championship Meet.  And, it’s this Saturday, July 23rd at Valleycrest Pool.  If you’ve not been to the Summer Swimmers Meet before, you’ve been missing out.  This meet…