Synchro Prelim results
We have the results of the Junior and Senior Synchronized Swimming prelims for you on the 2017 Synchro page. We’ll have updates from the Pre-Junior Finals and the Junior and Senior finals in the next few days. Good luck to…
Community Aquatic Competition since 1964
Community Aquatic Competition since 1964
We have the results of the Junior and Senior Synchronized Swimming prelims for you on the 2017 Synchro page. We’ll have updates from the Pre-Junior Finals and the Junior and Senior finals in the next few days. Good luck to…
We have updates for you in Diving. The final calculations from the Dual Meet Diving season are in as we prepare for Diving Finals on August 17th at Westpark. You can see the team totals on the 2017 Diving Results…
From Time Trials last week, we now have C Time Trials results posted on the 2017 C Time Trials page. There have been updates to the Combined Time Trials results as well which can be found on the 2017 Combined…
There have been some last minute adjustments to Swim Team scores following a review of the VP of Swimming. We have just posted the official dual meet score totals going into Big Meet tomorrow on the Swim Team page. We…
As is common at this time of year, we’ve got updates rushing in all through the day. Here’s the latest available to you: Swim Team A Time Trials B Time Trials Dual Swim Team scores. (We have been updated with some…
In yesterday’s post about scores, I mistakenly mentioned 16 swimmers to swim in each event in the Big Meet. Our list of potentials swimmers is 12 plus 4 alternates. I apologize for any confusion. Your webmaster
The 2017 Time Trials are complete and we have the results. Our thanks to our gracious hosts of the A, B and C division Time Trials today which were much appreciated by all. And, our congratulations to all athletes who…
Check the Waterpolo Page to see the latest Waterpolo Playoff Schedule. We’ll have the last of the Waterpolo Dual meet results posted in the next couple of days.
We have a last minute update to the Dual Swim Team results to complete the Briarwood/PPK meet results from Week 3. With these results now in and calculations complete, the Swim Team Dual Meet results are complete and ready to calculate…
The Dual Meet Swim Team season has finally come to an end for another year. Now we shift the swimming competitions from dual meets to the Championship phase of the 2017 season. First, tomorrow on August 5th, we’ll be having…