Competitive Swimming
Swim team week 3 results are in!
Swim team results for week 3 have just been posted. You’ll find them on the 2018 Swim Team page.
Swim Relays for Time Trials and Big Meet
Every year prior to the start of the dual meet season, the swim team coaches meet and use a coin toss to determine the relays for athletes 11 and up. The relays for 8-Under…
Valleycrest Guppies Swim Meet has been cancelled
Sorry to let you all know that due to lack of registrations, Valleycrest Pool has been forced to cancel the Guppies Swim Meet that was scheduled for this Friday, July 20th.
Swim Team scores have been updated for Week 2
We apologize for those who have been waiting so patiently for the Swim Team scores. We are posting them to the website as soon as the VP sends them. In the meantime, most of…
Our first results have arrived!
Swim Team Dual Meet results for week 1 are now available on the Swim Team page! Diving results should be available shortly.
Swim Team Stroke and Turn Judges Clinic
We will be holding a Stroke and Turn Judges clinic for any NAA official who may be asked to do Stroke and Turn judging in 2018. We recommend that any of our officials who…
New files for download now available for Swimming and Diving
We have updated tools for you in the Download Tools area. You’ll find new forms for Swim Meets for infractions and for divers, there is a new Diving Dual Meet Scoresheet. These forms are…
Valleycrest Guppies Meet will be on July 20th from 11am to 12:30pm
Valleycrest has organized a Guppies meet for our youngest athletes. It will be held on July 20th from 11am to 12:30pm at Valleycrest Pool. Visit for more details or contact Valleycrest at:…
2018 Dual Meet Swim Schedule is now online
We’ve just posted the 2018 Dual Meet Swim Team Schedule. You’ll find it on the Swim Team page where we will post the weekly results as they arrive. If you have any questions about…
Big Meet 25 yard records now updated
We rarely do a 25 yard Big Meet event. In fact, the last time we did so was 2002 and it was, just like this summer, at Elm Park. So, it should be no…

About Competitive Swimming
Every summer since 1964, the Northshore Aquatic Association operates joint swimming activities and programs across a collective of not-for-profit and public swimming pools, most notably its 35+ community-oriented inter-club swimming competitions. Annually, these activities benefit over 1,000 children and families across Montréal.
© The Northshore Aquatic Association. All rights reserved.