Competitive Swimming
Week 2 Results are now online
We’ve got the last of the swim team results from Week 2 which you’ll find on the Swim Team page.
Swim results are arriving
The first Swim Team results have started to arrive. If you are a swim team coach and have not let Dave Emory know the results of your meet, please contact him immediately. The Swim…
Swimming Relays for Time Trials and Big Meet
Every year at the Swim Coaches meeting prior to the start of the season we toss a coin to determine whether the 11-12, 13-14 and Open relays will be freestyle or medley. Yes, we…
NAA Constitution Update!
We’ve updated the NAA Constitution based on votes taken in the first NAA meeting of the season. You’ll find the latest NAA Constitution on the NAA Constitution page. Sections to note that were changed…
Big Meet 2015 – What a day!
The 2015 NAA Championship Big Meet is in the books and what a remarkable day it was. First of all, our thanks to Briarwood, the staff, committee and countless volunteers for all their incredible…
Big Meet tomorrow at Briarwood
It’s the annual NAA Championship Big Meet. This year, this half-decade competition will be held at Briarwood Pool and the competition is particularly close for the winner of the meet and the A, B…
2015 A, B and C Time Trials results now posted
All the Time Trials Results files are now posted on the 2015 NAA Results page. You’ll find the results from each of the A, B and C Division Time Trials and the Combined Time…
Combined Time Trials Results now available
We know you’ve all be waiting for the combined Time Trials Results to become available. We’d like to thank all the pools who hosted Time Trials today and congratulate the swimmers for outstanding performances. …
Swim Team Dual Meet season ends with a bang!
Swim team dual meets finished only an hour or so ago but the scores are already posted on our 2015 Swim Team page and coaches are pouring over them to see how they will…
Results and photos
Results from Week 4 of swimming are now online on the 2015 Swimming page. Also, you’ll find a number of photos from the season thus far in the Photo Gallery.

About Competitive Swimming
Every summer since 1964, the Northshore Aquatic Association operates joint swimming activities and programs across a collective of not-for-profit and public swimming pools, most notably its 35+ community-oriented inter-club swimming competitions. Annually, these activities benefit over 1,000 children and families across Montréal.
© The Northshore Aquatic Association. All rights reserved.