Category NAA Notifications

Constitutional update!

The NAA Constitution has been updated with amendments past at our June 18th meeting.  The June 18, 2018 version is the official version that will be used for competition this summer.  You can view or download the 2018 Constitution on…

NAA 2nd Meeting of 2018 on June 18th at 7pm

Hi everybody, Please find attached several documents in preparation for the NAA General Assembly on June 18th at the Dorval Community Centre at 7:00 PM. –Meeting Agenda for June 18 2018 –Constitution amendment proposals from the May 2017 assembly which…

2018 NAA Forms are now online

We have uploaded the new NAA forms for you to download and send in.  The NAA 2018 Information form contains all the information the NAA needs about your organiztion.  The NAA 2018 Team Registration form is what you need to…

New VP of Diving

After serving for many years as VP of Diving, Elyssa Shiller has finally turned over the baton to Ashley Kennedy who will take up the new position for this upcoming season. We can’t thank Elyssa enough for the many years…

NAA 1st Meeting of 2018 on May 14th!

Hi everybody, Another NAA season is on its way, Please find attached several documents in preparation for the NAA General Assembly on May 14th at the Dorval Community Centre. -Meeting Agenda for May 14 2018 – Minutes from the August…

Looking forward to 2018

With pools now shut down, committees are working hard to make sure their 2018 staff are all under contract and any other preparations for the 2018 season are underway. We’ll be updating the site in the coming weeks to put…