All Waterpolo results now posted
We’ve got the Playoff and Finals results from Waterpolo now posted on the 2017 Waterpolo page. Our congratulations to all the athletes this summer.
Community Aquatic Competition since 1964
Community Aquatic Competition since 1964
We’ve got the Playoff and Finals results from Waterpolo now posted on the 2017 Waterpolo page. Our congratulations to all the athletes this summer.
Please find attached the following documents for the August 28th meeting: Meeting Agenda Minutes from the June meeting 2018 Calendar Event hosts from the 2 previous years (to be used for bidding) Pools that hosted a major event in either…
We rarely do a 25 yard Big Meet event. In fact, the last time we did so was 2002 and it was, just like this summer, at Elm Park. So, it should be no surprise that there are many new…
We’ve just posted the last of all Diving events. With Finals done last night we can now congratulate Thorndale on winning the A Division and Versailles on winning the B Division. Complete results from Diving Finals and Team results can…
We have your Waterpolo Finals Schedule now available. This is the last competition of the 2017 season. You’ll find both the Saturday and Sunday Schedules posted on the 2017 Waterpolo page.
Both A and B Diving Section Results are now available on the 2017 Diving page. These results are used as we move into the Diving Finals.
For those of you who’ve been around the website for years, you’ll know that I often post many pictures each season. I no longer live in the country however and, while I’m in Montreal every 3 weeks or so, getting…
We’d like to remind you all that the election for NAA President will take place at our August 28th meeting. Steve Batah, our current President has done an exemplary job these last years but it is time to pass the torch…
We’ve got all the results and points for the 2017 NAA Championship Big Meet now posted. You’ll find the points for the season now complete on the 2017 Swim Team page. The results for each event at Big Meet is…
As we approach Diving Finals this week, we have the results of the Diving Section Finals or “Sectionals” on the 2017 Diving page. Our congratulations to all those who will be competing in Finals and to all of those who…