1st meeting (rescheduled)

Good morning everyone,

It has been brought to our attention that Monday, April 22 is the beginning of Passover. In order to respect our members who are unable to attend as they are going to be observing this holiday, we have decided to move the meeting to Thursday May 2 in Salon D at Sarto. I apologize for the late notice of the change of date. We have been working to find a date to accommodate everyone. 

Prior to the meeting, I ask that you send any Constitutional proposals or new business that you would like to discuss in the meeting. I would like to compile everything and send it to the members to review in advance in hopes of speeding up the process. We are also in need of a PRESIDENT for the upcoming season. If you know of anyone who is interested, please let me know as soon as possible. 

Please confirm that you have received this email and will be in attendance for the rescheduled meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you all and starting off a great season!

Ashley Kennedy

Meeting documents