New Website Project

Among many other changes coming to the NAA website, it’s going bilingual! Please be patient as we chip away at translating archives on the NAA website.

The 2024 season will be the first bilingual season for the website. Please be patient as we work through some hiccups!

Other changes you can expect to see implemented as the season goes on:

  • New design
  • Better mobile functionality
  • AAN en français!
  • Post/edit directly to the site for VP’s and NAA executive

Coming soon: NAA notifications – email notifications will be moved to the new site soon. Unfortunately, we will be starting with a fresh mailing list. These emails will be OPT-IN. A sign-up form will be published on the front page once ready.

Please report any erroneous translations here:

If you would like to participate in the translation of archives – reach out here: Contact Us