Any constitutional change proposals must be submitted in writing, prior to, or at the August meeting.
Ideally, 2 representatives from each pool will be in attendance with one of the two representatives being a board member and the other a staff member. Each pool has up to 2 votes.
Lastly, trophies must be returned at the August 24th meeting.
Read more for the complete agenda below:
Date: August 24th 2014
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Dorval Community Center, Salon B
- Introduction and Welcome
- Approval of minutes and agenda
- Executive Reports
- Treasurer
- President
- VP Water Polo
- VP Synchro
- VP Swimming
- VP Diving
- VP Marketing
- Vote on Constitution change proposed at June Meeting
- Proposals for Constitutional Changes
- 2016 Calendar
- Awarding of 2016 Events
- New Business / Announcements
- Date of next meeting (May 16th 2016, 7pm)
- Call for adjournment