Just after the 2014 NAA season was complete, the NAA site was hacked rather roughly by person or persons unknown and I had no choice but to dig in, take our backups and start re-building. The effort is extensive but the work is well underway. I’ve elected to move the NAA site to the well known (and more automatically updated) WordPress which is what you’re looking at right now.
The website updates are underway but there’s a lot to update! The general format of our new website home is complete and the calendar and constitution are up and ready along with key files like the Executive list and the Hiring list. I’ve started adding the pages and menus for our other work but just to give you an example of what needs doing, there are over 20,000 pictures in the photo gallery alone!
There are also several hundred pages of results which I’m in the process of building into files that can be posted on the website. Over the coming weeks you’re going to see fairly constant updates as the content gradually is translated into the new formats so don’t despair! We’ll be ready for the season.
Contact me directly at chris.vandersluis@gmail.com if you’re looking for something very specific but otherwise please be patient as we get our home back in order!
Chris Vandersluis