2. Swimming

The Constitution establishes the procedures, rules and regulations governing the activities of the Association. This article covers all provisions pertaining to Competitive Swimming.


This document is an integral copy of the Constitution that has been sanctioned by the General Assembly. The dispositions contained herein are in effect at activities sanctioned by the Association.

In case of disparity, the print version prevails. Please report any editing mistake to the Vice-President in charge of the concerned aquatic discipline. Proposals to amend the current document must be presented at a duly-sanctioned meeting of the General Assembly.

General questions regarding the procedures, regulations and rules discussed on this page are to be addressed to the Vice-President of Competitive Swimming.

2.1. General

2.1.1. The recognized events for the categories are as follows:

(Distances are in yards or meters, depending on the dimensions of the host pool.)

8 & UNDER25252525100 Free
9 & 1050505025200 Free
11 & 1250505050200 Free/Medley
13 & 1450505050200 Free/Medley
OPEN50505050200 Free/Medley
2.1.2. Schedule of Events All Dual Meets shall follow the sequence of events prescribed below:

8 & UNDER121112212231324142
9 & 10341314232433344344
11 & 12561516252635364546
13 & 14781718272837384748
OPEN9101920293039404950 Time Trials shall follow the sequence of events prescribed below:

8 & UNDER121112212231324142
9 & 10341314232433344344
11 & 12561516252635364546
13 & 14781718272837384748
OPEN9101920293039404950 The NAA Championship Meet (Big Meet) shall follow the sequence of events prescribed below:

Para SwimP1P11P21P31
8 & UNDER121112212231324142
9 & 10341314232433344344
11 & 12561516252635364546
13 & 14781718272837384748
OPEN9101920293039404950 PARA SWIMMING (in the NAA Championship Meet only)

  1. All Para Swimming events will be swum at a distance of 25m.
  2. All Para Swimming events shall be classified as exhibition (EXB) and shall not be recorded for team results.
  3. Para Swimmer participants are not required to have participated in Dual Meets but must be a bona fide member of the pool that they are representing.
  4. All Para Swimming registrations, number of heats and number of participants shall be under the responsibility of the NAA Championship Meet host pool to organize.
  5. Registrations for Para Swimming events shall be received by the host pool NO LATER than 11:59pm of the Saturday preceding the NAA Championship Meet.
  6. Depending on the number of registrations, each Para Swimmer should be granted a minimum of 2 events to swim in.
  7. It is the responsibility of each Para Swimmer’s coach to provide the necessary assistance and/or equipment to each of their athletes.
2.1.3. Division Placement

The season total score accumulated by a team shall be the sum of:

The aggregate total event points scored in all dual meets (including points awarded for a win by default
The point score achieved in the Championship Meet.
The point score, to a maximum of 100 participation points achieved in the Summer Swimmers Meet.

The season total point scores will determine the order of finish within each division. Placement for the following season will be thus determined, with the winners of Division “B”, “C” exchanging places with the last place finishers of Divisions “A” and “B” respectively.

2.1.4. Warm Up Procedures

The NAA has established the following procedures for all NAA swim meets including Dual meets, Time Trials, the Championship (Big Meet) and the Summer Swimmers Championship meet. During the warm-up period, the meet management shall be responsible for ensuring that all rules are followed. Diving Starts
Diving starts shall not be made during the warm-up period for any competition when two-way swimming is in progress. Coaches may allow diving starts in any lane in which only one-way swimming in the direction of the diving starts is permitted. Equipment
Hand paddles and flippers ARE NOT permissible. Backstrokers
As a courtesy, coaches should allow backstrokers, to have the “right of way” for safety purposes. Safety Marshalls
It is incumbent on all participants, e.g. swimmers, coaches, officials and administration to comply with these procedures. The meet management shall designate Safety Marshalls who will ensure compliance with these procedures. The marshalls shall be responsible for the conduct of the warm-up in the competition venue. Questions
Questions about and any requests to deviate from these procedures should be directed to the VP of Swimming.

2.2. Eligibility

2.2.1. The recognized age categories, separate for Girls and Boys are:

  • 8 and under
  • 9 and 10 years
  • 11 and 12 years
  • 13 and 14 years
  • Open

2.2.2. Any age group swimmer may swim in a maximum of three (3) events, comprised of two (2) individual events and one (1) relay, or one (1) individual events and two (2) relays. Open swimmers may swim in three (3) individual events and one (1) relay.

2.2.3. A swimmer may swim in his/her age group or an older age group provided 2.2.2 is adhered to.

2.2.4. If a non-open swimmer competes in the open category as well as that of his/her respective age category, he/she can only swim a maximum of 3 events (2 individual and 1 relay). Alternatively, a non-open swimmer competing solely in the open category may swim a maximum of 4 events (3 individual and 1 relay).

2.2.5. Each team is allowed three (3) official entries in each individual event and three (3) official entries in each relay event. In individual events only the first two finishers from each team will be scored. In relay events, only the first finisher from each team will be scored.

2.3. Rules of Participation

2.3.1. Federation de Natation du Quebec (FNQ) rules will prevail with the exception of any disqualification that would NOT give the swimmer a competitive advantage in any age group. Their application, however will be moderated for “8 and under”. In individual events an “8 and under” may be disqualified for the use of the wrong pull only. In “8 and under” relay events, a team will be disqualified for a “too early” takeoff by a member of the team or wrong pull by a competitor. Swimmers for legs where there is no starting block will start at the wall in the pool. It is recommended that a coach be on deck with the “8 and under” relay. All competitors will however receive a ribbon.

2.3.2 In the event of a disqualification, the swimmer or relay in question shall place last, receive no time (9:99.99) and not be able to score points.

2.3.3 Swimmers in the 8 and Under category may swim with the assistance of a flotation device or a lifeguard assistant. In Both cases the swimmer is considered having swum with assistance, and their swim will be considered an Exhibition swim and will not score points, regardless of what heat they swim in. In the case of using a Lifeguard assistant, the assistant will start the event in the water and the swimmer may start in the water, from the blocks or the side of the pool.

2.3.4 A swimmer may swim with a cast as long as it is deemed safe for the swimmer and the other swimmers in the event and no advantage will be gained while swimming with the cast. The NAA VP Swimming after consultation with the Referee will have the final call; the NAA reserves the right to request a doctor’s note approving the cast for swimming.

2.3.5 All swimmers must wear uniform according to SNC swimming regulations. Any desire to deviate from the acceptable uniform must be approved by the referee.

2.3.6 The referee must act, to the best of his/her abilities, such that heats and events are either combined into a single race, or redistributed into multiple races, thus guaranteeing that no swimmer competes alone within his/her heat. Heats and events may be combined, regardless of gender or age category, provided such decision combines swimmers of similar calibre and swimming the same stroke.

To combine, swimmers may be re-assigned to an empty lane of another heat or event.

Combined races must nonetheless be scored separately, according to the heat and event numbers indicated on the swim cards. No competitive advantage is gained from this procedure. 

A coach may request before the referee that a swimmer competing alone in a heat be re-assigned to a race amongst which competitors of the swimmer’s calibre are observed. The request must be accepted if logistically possible.

2.4. Dual Meet Competitions

2.4.1 The NAA Competitive Swimming Schedule will start during the first week of July, unless otherwise determined at the NAA spring meeting. The NAA Competitive Swimming Schedule will be ready by the NAA spring meeting.

2.4.2. Scoring
4 Only one false start is permitted. The announcement “The false start rule is now in effect” in either English or French MUST be made before the second start. On a second or subsequent start, a swimmer who false starts will not cause the race to be called back. A swimmer who has started early will be disqualified at the end of the race.

2.4.3 The schedule of the dual meets is established at the beginning of the season. However, by mutual consent of the teams involved, the schedule can be adjusted. The host club shall notify the Vice-President Competitive Swimming of any such changes.

2.4.4 There will be a rotation of alternating home meets from one year to the next. (i.e. first year three (3) home meets / second year two (2) home meets). If a pool changes divisions, it will assume the rotation of the pool being replaced.

2.4.5 In the event of a meet being delayed or postponed, once having commenced, it shall be completed at a later date mutually agreed upon between the pool managers of the two clubs concerned or in their absence, the head coaches. Failing agreement, the Vice-President Competitive Swimming will determine the date. The meet will resume with the event following the event last swum at the delayed or postponed meet. The scoring of the two meets will be combined to arrive at a single final score.

2.4.6 In the event of the start of a meet being delayed, the meet will not be postponed unless by mutual consent of the pool managers of the two pools until at least one hour after the scheduled start of the meet.

2.4.7 Every effort will be made to reschedule a dual meet that could not be held because of the failure of one of the two teams to participate. If the same team fails to participate a second time, it shall be adjudged to have forfeited the meet. Points for a forfeited meet shall be awarded as follows: The team that forfeited will receive no points. The other team will receive a point score equal to the average of the other dual meets in which it participated.

2.4.8 In the 8 & Under and 9 & 10 categories, there will be a minimum of two (2) heats for each event should numbers warrant. Each pool in a dual meet will also have the option to select three (3) events in which there will be a supplemental heat for participation. Additional heats may be added upon agreement of both head coaches. Prior to agreeing to the additional heats, the host pool head coach must clear the heats with the meet manager. Head coaches must be notified twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the dual meet. Additional heats must be automatically accepted until the Dual Meet is expected to last past 20h30, whereby it shall be at the discretion of Meet Management.

2.4.9 Meet results shall be recorded in three (3) copies of the Standard Meet Result Forms provided by the NAA for this purpose.

2.4.10 The result sheet must be signed by both head coaches.

2.4.11 The host pool must deliver a copy of the results sheet to the visiting pool within twenty-four (24) hours of the end of the meet.

2.4.12 Each pool shall retain the swimming cards of their swimmers until the end of the NAA season for verification.

2.4.13 The Vice President responsible for Competitive Swimming must receive the third copy within forty-eight (48) hours of the end of the meet. It is the responsibility of the host pool to do so. There will be a twenty (20) point penalty if the score sheet is not handed in on time. At the first coaches meeting, the VP swimming shall establish a place for the score sheets to be dropped off.

2.4.14 It is the responsibility of both teams to provide officials for the meet. The split of officials shall be:


2.4.15 The Chief Finish Judge must mark the finishing places on the time cards following each event.

2.4.16 The Chief Finish Judge and the Recorder from the same pool will not process the same event.

2.4.18 Relay for dual meets are at the discretion of the head coaches. (Boy’s events – determined by head coach of the Home team and girls events – determined by head coach of the Visiting team)

2.4.19 If a pool only has 5 lanes, the 5th lane is always considered exhibition.

2.4.20 The visiting team to a five (5) lane pool should choose the two (2) strokes where they may swim the third swimmer in the fifth lane.

2.5. Preliminary — Time Trials

2.5.1 Time Trials will take place after all Dual Meets in the NAA Swimming schedule have been completed. Time Trials set the stage for the Championship Meet and will not be scored except as set forth in Rule 2.6.13.

2.5.2 In the event of a tie for 12th position, a swim-off between the tied competitors shall take place at the Championship Meet before all events. In the event of a tie for 6th position, a coin toss by the VP of Competitive Swimming shall determine the seeding for the tied swimmers. A swim-off is not required to determine seeding in a heat.

2.5.3 Only competitors who have competed in at least two (2) regular season Dual Meets shall be eligible to compete in the Time Trials.

2.5.4 If your pool is scheduled for less than five (5) dual meets, rule 2.5.3 shall not apply, and only competitors who have competed in at least one (1) regular season dual meet shall be eligible to compete in Time Trials.

2.5.5 If a swimmer is found to have broken rules 2.5.3 and 2.5.4, that swimmer will be disqualified and all his/her points will be removed from their teams total.

2.5.6 Time Trials will be held for each division at a designated pool. Division Time Trials will proceed concurrently and host pools will all be the same length.

2.5.7 Lane positions will be determined by club placing in the league standings.

League Standings1st2nd3rd4th5th6th
5-lane pool32415
6-lane pool342516

2.5.8 With respect to Time Trials, there will be three (3) heats for all 8 & under and 9 & 10 individual events and two (2) heats for all remaining individual events. Only the top two (2) swimmers from each pool can advance. There will be only one (1) heat for all relay events.

2.5.9 Each host pool shall be responsible for organizing officials for the Time Trials, with each participating pool contributing its share of officials. The following is the minimum list of officials required:

  • 1 Referee (SNC Qualified)
  • 1 Starter (SNC Qualified)
  • 2 Stroke & Turn Judges (SNC Qualified)
  • 3 Timers per lane
  • 3 Ribbon Judges
  • 1 Chief Timer
  • 4 Chief Finish Judge
  • 1 Marshals
  • 3 Recorders
  • 1 False Start Rope Operators
  • Runners

2.5.10 All finishers in the Time Trials will receive ribbons of participation. Costs to be borne by the NAA.

2.5.11 Relay event options for the Time Trials and Championship meet will be determined by a toss of a coin at the Swim Coaches Meeting which must occur prior to the beginning of the competitive season.

2.5.12 The Time Trials will be held during the day, on the weekend following the last scheduled dual meet.

2.6. Finals — The Northshore Championship Meet

2.6.1 Finals will be comprised of the top 12 swimmers in each event, as determined by the Time Trials. The Combined results (Program) will include the next 4 swimmers as alternates ensuring that rule 2.5.8 is respected. (Only top 2 swimmers from each pool can advance). Seeding shall be as follows: (to the places as recorded in the Time Trials).


Scoring for individual events shall be:


In the order of finish between heats 1 and 2.

2.6.2 In the event two (2) swimmers tie for a race during a Championship meet, they shall both receive the points corresponding to the highest position. The next placing will receive the score corresponding to the points after the tie. For example, if two swimmers tie for 1st, each would receive 15 points. The next swimmer would receive 12 points for 3rd place.

2.6.3 Relay events will be double but determined in the same manner.

2.6.4 Alternates for relays in the Championship Meet, do not have to swim in the Time Trials. They must have swam in two (2) dual meets in the Summer (except as determined by rule 2.5.4) and their names must be written on the back of the Time Trials card as an alternate. A maximum of two (2) names can be on the back of the card. The original order of the swimmers must be maintained.

2.6.5 The Vice-President Competitive Swimming shall be responsible for the NAA Championship Meet.

2.6.6 All officials selected for the Championship Meet shall be Swim/Natation Canada (SNC) qualified (or of equal caliber through experience) for their assigned positions.

2.6.7 Swimmers scratching from any event in the Championship Meet without a formal scratch will be barred from all remaining events. If the swimmer is listed as a competitor on a relay, the swimmer shall be scratched from that relay but the relay shall not be barred and may swim using a valid alternate should one be recorded on the back of the card. Formal scratches for individual events must be registered with the Clerk of the Course 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the competition. Formal scratches of swimmers in relays must be registered with the Clerk of Course no later than the end of individual events.

2.6.8 Divisional Champions will be awarded Divisional Championship Trophies, usually at the Championship Meet.

2.6.9 All finishers in the Championship Meet will receive ribbons or equivalent recognition of participation.

2.6.10 The winner of the Championship Meet will be awarded the Lion’s Club Challenge Trophy.

2.6.11 The Pat Forde Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the club showing the greatest improvement over the previous year in the percentage of points earned to points available, in the Championship Meet.

2.6.12 The Accubec Trophy, dedicated to the memory of Derek McSweeny, will be awarded to the club with the highest aggregate point score for 8 & under events at the Championship Meet (including the relay events swum at the Time Trials if at a 50 m pool).

2.6.13 If the Championship Meet is to be held at a 50-meter pool, the 8 and under relay events will be swum as “time Finals” at the Time Trials. In this case, the medals for 8 and under relays shall be presented between the single and relay events of the NAA Championship Meet the following week.

2.6.14 The NAA Championship Meet will be held on the Saturday or Sunday of the weekend following that of the Time Trials.

2.6.15 Relay event options for the Time Trials and Championship meet will be determined by a toss of a coin at the Swim Coaches Meeting which must occur prior to the beginning of the competitive season.

2.7 Miscellaneous

2.7.1 In the event of an end-of-season tie in team points, tie breaking factors will be considered in the following order:

  • The team with the highest aggregate of the dual meet event points.
  • The team with the greater number of dual meet event points considering only meets between the tied teams.

2.7.2 The host pool shall be responsible for organizing officials for the NAA Championship meet, with each participating pool contributing its share of officials. The following is the minimum list of officials required:

  • 2 Referees (SNC Qualified)
  • 2 Starters (SNC Qualified)
  • 1 Chief Stroke Judge (SNC Qualified)
  • 4 Stroke & Turn Judges (SNC Qualified)
  • 3 Timers per lane
  • 3 Ribbon Judges
  • 2 Chief Timers
  • 4 Chief Finish Judge
  • 2 Marshals
  • 3 Recorders
  • 1 Clerk of Course
  • 1 False Start Rope Operator
  • Runners

2.7.3 In the decision to postpone The Time Trials or the Championship meet, a meeting and a vote shall take place involving the head coach and one (1) executive committee member from each participating pool.

2.8 Summer Swim Meet

Intent: To encourage participation of competitive swimming from those who are not or who have not recently participated in winter aquatic programs.

2.8.1. Events The recognized events for the categories are as follows:

(Distances are in yards or meters, depending on the dimensions of the host pool.)

8 & UNDER25252525
9 & 1050505025
11 & 1250505050
13 & 1450505050 Schedule of Events

The NAA Summer Swim Meet shall follow the sequence of events prescribed below:

8 & UNDER12111221223132
9 & 1034131423243334
11 & 1256151625263536
13 & 1478171827283738
2.8.2 Eligibility A swimmer must have not participated in a winter aquatic program in the previous 24 months. This includes winter swimming, synchronized swimming, waterpolo or triathlon programs. Attending winter swimming lessons or participating in grade school or high school swimming competitions is acceptable. The recognized categories, separate for Girls and Boys are:

  • 8 and under
  • 9 and 10 years
  • 11 and 12 years
  • 13 and 14 years Any age group swimmer may swim in a maximum of three (3) events. A swimmer may swim in his/her age group or an older age group provided they do not exceed the maximum number of events listed in rule Each team is allowed three (3) official entries in each individual event.

2.8.3 Regulations Federation de Natation du Quebec (FNQ) rules will prevail except as specifically noted here. The application of FNQ rules will be moderated for events in the “8 and under” and 9-10 categories. In these categories, a swimmer may be disqualified for the use of the wrong pull only. Swimmers of all other age groups will only be disqualified for a violation of FNQ rules that employ a competitive advantage. The Start
  1. LONG WHISTLE: The swimmer steps onto the block or edge of pool and remains still. For backstroke, there will be a second whistle as the swimmers enter the water.
  2. STARTER’S COMMAND: On the starter’s command (“take your marks” or ”à vos marques”), the swimmer immediately takes up a start position with at least one foot at the front of the block. When all swimmers are stationary, the starter gives the starting signal. The starting signal will be given by use of a beep accompanied by a flash generated by recognized official starting equipment for aquatic competitions or by a gun.
  3. FALSE START: Only one false start is permitted. The announcement “The false start rule is now in effect” in either English or French MUST be made before a second start. On a second or subsequent start, a swimmer who false starts will not cause the race to be called back. A swimmer who has started early will be disqualified at the end of the race. Swimmers in the 8 and Under category may swim with the assistance of a flotation device or a lifeguard assistant. In Both cases the swimmer is considered having swum with assistance, and their swim will be considered an Exhibition swim and will not score points, regardless of what heat they swim in. In the case of using a Lifeguard assistant, the assistant will start the event in the water and the swimmer may start in the water, from the blocks or the side of the pool.

2.8.4 Scoring Scoring for this event will be as follows. For each event, teams will receive a score based on their placing according to the following table:

18th – higher
Up to the number of pools in the NAA that year.
1 Each pool shall receive the score of only the highest placed of its swimmers in any one event. No pool shall receive more than one score per event. A swimmer that gets disqualified cannot earn any points. In the event of a disqualification, the swimmer in question shall place last, receive no time (9:99.99) and not be able to score. A swimmer who swims with the assistance of flotation devices or a lifeguard’s will be considered an exhibition swimmer and will not be eligible to earn points. 10 points will be awarded for each participant swimmer (not including Exhibition) to a maximum of 100 points per pool. The total participation points earned shall count in the pools season end totals.

2.8.5 Awards Medals and Ribbons will be supplied by the NAA for this meet. The team with the highest overall score at the completion of the event will be awarded the Summer Meet Trophy. The team must return this trophy at the August Meeting.

2.8.6 Logistics All swimmers must pre-register for events in this meet a minimum of 1 week prior to the event using the registration form provided to each team. The swim team coach of each pool is responsible for the entries being completed and submitted on time to the VP of Swimming. Late entries may not be accepted for competition. Substitutes entries may be accepted on the day of the meet. Requests for a substitute must be made to the Clerk of Course no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the meet. Requests for Deck Entries may be made no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the meet. Deck entries will only be accepted if a) there is space available in a heat for that event and; b) that the entry does not cause a violation in the number of allowable swimmers per team or the number of events for that swimmer. The VP of Swimming shall make the final decision regarding any conflicts over Deck Entries or Substitutes Seeding will be random within each event Officials: The host pool shall ensure that the following officials are certified to Swim/Natation Canada standards for their roles:

  • Referee
  • Starter
  • Stroke and Turn Judge (2)
  • Clerk of Course
  • Chief Finish Judge

Additionally the following officials and personnel must be provided:

  • Chief Timer (1)
  • Timers (3 per lane)
  • Runners (2)
  • Scorers (2)
  • Ribbon Judges (1 per lane)
  • On duty Lifeguard
  • False Start Rope operator

Officials must be present a minimum of 45 minutes prior to the start of the event for briefings.

2.9 Joint Meet Organizing Committee

2.9.1 A committee shall be formed at the first General Assembly Meeting of the year. This committee must be composed of the Vice-President of Competitive Swimming, as well as a minimum of one (1) representative from each of the following pools:

  • The hosting pool of Summer Swim Meet
  • The hosting pool of Time Trials A
  • The hosting pool of Time Trials B
  • The hosting pool of Time Trials C
  • The hosting pool of The Championship Meet

Any other member can also participate in the Committee.

This committee shall be named the Joint Meet Organizing Committee (JMOC).

2.9.2 The Committee shall have, in conjunction with the Vice-President of Competitive Swimming and local Meet Management, competency over the organization of Summer Swim Meet, Time Trials and the Championship Meet, through the delegation of the following responsibilities:

  • Supporting local Meet Management in the organization of the Meet;
  • Establishing the meet registration procedure;
  • Receiving and processing meet registrations;
  • Processing and administering meet results;
  • Consolidating, combining and publishing results from Time Trials A, B and C;
  • Delivering the final scores of the season;
  • Distribution of trophies and medals (however, the purchase of trophies and medals remains the responsibility of the NAA);
  • Preparing meet packages;
  • Providing qualified officials and volunteers, according to the necessities of the meet;
  • Producing statistics on participation;
  • Any other matter deemed necessary by the Committee for the organization of the meets under its responsibility.

2.9.3 The Committee must hold a minimum of two (2) meetings, unless otherwise determined by the Committee. One shall take place before Summer Swim Meet; the other before Time Trials.

The Vice-President of Competitive Swimming is responsible for the organization of Summer Swim Meet, Time Trials and Big Meet.

All member pools must contribute to the organization of Summer Swim Meet, Time Trials or the Championship Meet, minimally once (1) every two (2) seasons.

Member pools must contribute in one of the following manners:

  1. Sit on the Joint Meet Organization Committee;
  2. Host one Summer Swim Meet, Time Trials or the Championship Meet;
  3. Co-Organize the meet along with Meet Management of the hosting pool;
  4. Entirely replace local Meet Management of the hosting pool.