Meet Information
Briarwood Pool: 12421 Rue Pavillon, Pierrefonds (Québec) H8Z 1M6

Ample street parking is available in the vicinity. No parking will be available for the public on the premises. A drop-off zone will be set up at the west parking lot.
Visitors are asked to park in accordance with applicable laws and by-laws. For safety reasons and due to the presence of a many children, it is asked that drivers and pedestrians exercise a high degree of caution around vehicles.
Men’s and Women’s bathrooms are available. No changing rooms or lockers are available on site.
Personal effects are the responsibility of individuals. Briarwood Pool and the NAA is not responsible for any broken, lost or stolen items. Items should not be left unattended. It is highly discouraged to bring unnecessary valuable items.
Spectators should bring sunscreen, a hat and a water bottle.
The collaboration of all visitors is required to keep the pool and surrounding areas clean. Garbage bins and recycling bins will be available throughout the venue.