Policy | Volunteering at Competitive Swimming Events
The Policy on Volunteering at Competitive Swimming Events establishes the standard in safety with regard to the involvement of volunteers.
This document has official status.
The results of this document have been sanctioned by the General Assembly. The provisions contained herein are in effect at all activities sanctioned by the Association.
Please report any editing mistake to the Vice-President of Competitive Swimming. Proposals to amend the current document must be presented at a duly-sanctioned meeting of the General Assembly.
General questions regarding the procedures, regulations and rules discussed in this document are to be addressed to the Vice-President of Competitive Swimming.
In case of disparity, the print version prevails. Please report any editing mistake to the Vice-President in charge of the concerned aquatic discipline. Proposals to amend the current document must be presented at a duly-sanctioned meeting of the General Assembly.
Policy on Volunteering at Competitive Swimming Events
- Introduction
- Application
- Definition
- Principles
- Policy
- Implementation
- Enforcement
- Mandatory Reporting Procedure
Document ID: POL-CS-V-240513
Last Update: May 13, 2024
1. Introduction
Every summer, the NAA relies on dozens of volunteers to provide, support and lead its community activities. The NAA recognizes, the essential nature of volunteerism in sustaining its mission.
The current policy establishes a framework that protects both the participants and the volunteers at Competitive Swimming events, and ensure integrity at every level of its operations.
2. Application
The current policy applies to all individuals volunteering or officiating at a NAA-organized or NAA-sanctioned Competitive Swimming Event.
The current policy applies to all NAA-organized or NAA-sanctioned Competitive Swimming Events.
3. Definition
Volunteer: An individual who volunteers, officiates, organizes or assists in any other shape or form the Association, without monetary compensation.
4. Principles
4.1. The NAA recognizes the goodwill of volunteers and values their involvement in the organization.
Without volunteers, the Association would be unable to uphold its mission of providing accessible, fun and recreational aquatic swimming competitions throughout the summer. The Association recognizes the importance of its volunteers and its responsibility in creating a hospitable environment to all wishing to contribute to its work.
4.2. The NAA recognizes that all volunteers have the right to their safety, integrity and dignity.
The Association acknowledges the importance of protecting the rights of volunteers from abuse and unfair treatment.
4.3. The NAA recognizes the need to lay down guiding principles to protect and regulate volunteerism at its events.
The Association recognizes its responsibility towards its members in ensuring that there is adequate accountability mechanisms in place. These mechanisms work to prevent that incidents involving volunteers occur.
4.4. The NAA recognizes that volunteers regularly hold a position of authority with regard to minor participants.
With the recent incidents involving persons of authority and minors in Québec, the Association recognizes the importance of developing a clear standard with regard to acceptable and unacceptable volunteering practices.
5. Policy
5.1. Volunteer Agreement
All individuals volunteering, in any capacity, must complete the sign-in sheet at each Competitive Swimming event in which they participate. By signing the sign-in sheet, the individual acknowledges having read the Volunteer Agreement, and agrees to the terms therein.
5.2. Record of Volunteers
Member pools must provide each Volunteer Sign-In Sheet to the NAA according to the procedure in place. The Sign-In sheet must minimally have the following information:
- The full name of the individual;
- The address of the individual;
- The phone number and email of the individual;
- Role completed by the individual.
All member pools must keep a separate but confidential copy of these documents for two (2) years. The NAA reserves the right to request the records at a later date.
5.3. Criminal Record and Background Checks
No individual may work in any capacity at an NAA-sanctioned event, if the said individual has a criminal record.
Any member pool having reasonable suspicion to believe that there is a violation to the current article reserves the right to request that a volunteer who is a member of their pool undergo an official background check. The NAA also reserves the right to request a background check from any volunteer.
5.4. Applicable Laws and By-Laws
Volunteers must respect all applicable laws and by-laws.
5.5. Safety of Volunteers
The NAA and hosts are responsible for ensuring the safety of all volunteers at Competitive Swimming events. No volunteer must be requested to complete a task that may reasonably foreseeably put their health or safety at risk.
A volunteer has the right to refuse to complete a task he/she feels is dangerous.
During periods officially declared as a heat warning or heat wave by Environment Canada, the hosting pool must provide volunteers with a cool rest area—ideally air-conditioned.
5.6. Integrity and Dignity of Volunteers
The integrity and dignity of a volunteer must be respected at all times.
No unfair, demeaning, violent, degrading or abusive treatment towards volunteers will be tolerated. Any person in violation of this article must be reported to the responsible individuals.
5.7. Supply of Food and Water
At Summer Swim Meet, Time Trials and the NAA Championship Meet, all volunteers must minimally be supplied with water, snacks and a lunch.
At Dual Meets, hosting pools must minimally provide volunteers with a source of drinkable water.
5.8. Confidentiality of Privileged Information
No volunteer must retain or use the personal information of any individual or participant, other than for the purpose required by his/her assigned role.
Any volunteer in violation of this rule may be prohibited from participating, in any capacity, at a Competitive Swimming event, at the discretion of the Vice-President.
5.9. Conflict of Interest
The volunteer must, in the completion of his/her official capacities, always act in the interests and mission of the Association.
The volunteer must complete his/her duties without engaging in unfair, dishonest, prejudicial, discriminatory or demeaning practices, and according to the current applicable procedures of the Association.
5.10. Respect of Official Codes, Policies, Regulations and the Constitution
All volunteers must comply with the Code of Conduct, the Policy on Harassment and Misconduct, the Regulation on Safety at Competitive Swimming Events, the Constitution, and other applicable codes, policies and regulations of the Association.
5.11. Position of Authority
A volunteer must never abuse of his/her position of authority.
Unless justifiable and necessary, an adult volunteer must never be found alone or in confined, closed or secluded spaces, with a minor with whom no reasonable, valid and legal relationship can be established.
Unless justifiable and necessary, an adult volunteer must never be found in communication with a minor outside of with whom no reasonable, valid and legal relationship can be established, outside of official events.
Volunteers must limit their presence in areas where swimmers reasonably expect privacy.
5.12. Public Confrontation
A volunteer must refrain from engaging in public confrontation to the best of his/her abilities.
5.13. Obligation to Assist a Person in Distress
Any volunteer who observes a person in distress at an NAA event must offer assistance, to the best of his/her abilities, and within the scope of actions considered to be safe to the volunteer.
5.14. Obligation to Report Dangerous Situations
Volunteers must report any observed dangerous situation to the relevant responsible individuals.
5.15. Image of the NAA
A volunteer represents both the Association and their home pool (if applicable). The volunteer must take reasonable actions to publicly uphold, maintain and enhance the reputation of the NAA.
6. Implementation
All members, as well as the NAA, are responsible for the following:
- Implementing the current Policy;
- Ensuring the overall safety of volunteers;
- Ensuring the overall safety of participants.
7. Enforcement
All coaches, swimmers, volunteers, officials, volunteers and parents must comply with this Policy.
Upon observing an individual who does not comply with the current Policy, a member pool must correct them. The individual is thereafter responsible for ensure future compliance with the Policy.
If repeated incidents, serious hazards that endanger the lives/wellbeing of members, or a refusal to comply, are observed, the member pool must take appropriate actions to ensure compliance. The member pool retains the authority to expel any member for serious breaches to the present Policy, or take any other appropriate action.
87.1 Audit and Investigation
The NAA reserves the right to observe, audit and investigate any matter regarding a breach of its safety standards. Any summoned party must respond to a request for information and collaborate in good faith with the investigation.
5.2 Sanctions
Following an investigation into the matter, the NAA must act according the applicable procedures of the Constitution.
The NAA nonetheless reserves the right to immediately act or impose sanctions when required by the situation.
8. Mandatory Reporting Procedure
Any member, parent, spectator, volunteer or staff member who witnesses a violation to the current Policy must advise their member pool, or the Vice-President of Competitive Swimming, without delay.
Member pools must submit a report to the Vice-President of Competitive Swimming in one of the following situations:
- A volunteer has been removed or expelled;
- A volunteer has been injured or killed;
- A volunteer has seriously breached the current Policy or the law;
- A volunteer has acted in a violent manner;
- The rights of a volunteer were breached;
- Emergency services were called to an incident involving a volunteer;
- Any other issue reasonably deemed serious enough to be reported.

About Competitive Swimming
Every summer since 1964, the Northshore Aquatic Association operates joint swimming activities and programs across a collective of not-for-profit and public swimming pools, most notably its 35+ community-oriented inter-club swimming competitions. Annually, these activities benefit over 1,000 children and families across Montréal.
© The Northshore Aquatic Association. All rights reserved.