2022 Swimming Schedule and Results

Swim Team: 2022 Dual Meet Schedule and Results
“A” Division
“B” Division
“C” Division
Week 1 – July 6
VYC 452 @ ELM 530 BAL Win @ WPK 0 FOR 213 @ BWD 357
WES 449 @ TMR 533 WAL 287 @ ECC 585 VER: Off
GLE 451 @ FVW 555 THO 416 @ SUR 412 PPK 138 @ CSL 397
Week 2 – July 13 ELM 444 @ WES 499 WAL 397 @ WPK 260 CSL: Off
TMR 472 @ FVW 561 ECC 521 @ THO 465 VER 113 @ BWD 363
VYC 442 @ GLE 558 BAL 392 @ SUR 423 PPK 280 @ FOR 323
Week 3 – July 20 TMR 483 @ GLE 533 WPK 200 @ ECC 574 FOR: Off
WES 476 @ VYC 548 SUR 396 @ WAL 455 CSL 246 @ VER 238
ELM 464 @ FVW 539 BAL 368 @ THO 538 BWD 350 @ PPK 312
Summer Meet: July 23rd
Summer Swimmers meet at Valleycrest
Week 4 – July 27 TMR 464 @ VYC 524 SUR 403 @ WPK 280 BWD: Off
GLE 535 @ ELM 481 ECC 556 @ BAL 300 VER 180 @ PPK 287
FVW 573 @ WES 456 THO 484 @ WAL 414 CSL 352 @ FOR 273
Week 5 – August 3 FVW 556 @ VYC 463 WAL 462 @ BAL 291 PPK: Off
ELM 487 @ TMR 483 WPK 247 @ THO 564 FOR 209 @ VER 236
GLE 537 @ WES 475 SUR 376 @ ECC 496 BWD 325 @ CSL 381
Time Trials: Aug 6 FVW B and C Divisions together at: WAL
Big Meet: Aug 13 Ecclestone


Swim Team Results: 2022
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Summer Meet
Big Meet
Grand Total
8 and under
“A” Division
Valleycrest 452 442 548 524 463 100 2529 422 2951 58
Elmpark 530 444 464 481 487 100 2506 767 3273 181
Glenmore 451 558 533 535 537 100 2714 827 3541 160
TMR 533 472 483 464 483 100 2535 364 2899 70
Westminster 449 499 476 456 475 100 2455 493 2948 39
Fairview 555 561 539 573 556 100 2884 778 3662 144
“B” Division
Ecclestone 585 521 574 556 496 100 2832 585 3417 169
Westpark 0 260 200 280 247 0 987 75 1062 64
Surrey 412 423 396 403 376 100 2110 232 2342 65
Ballantyne Win 392 368 300 291 100 1789 108 1897 12
Thorndale 416 465 538 484 564 100 2567 306 2873 72
Walters 287 397 455 414 462 100 2115 342 2457 53
“C” Division
PPK 138 280 312 287 254 100 1371 34 1405 16
Cote St. Luc
397 344 246 352 381 100 1820 93 1913 24
Forest Village 213 323 255 273 209 100 1373 0 1373  
Briarwood 357 363 350 349 325 100 1844 116 1960 7
Versailles 192 113 238 180 236 0 959 38 997  

Notes:In C Division, scores in bold are the average of the other 4 meets to account for off-weeks where the team did not compete.
Winner of A is Fairview. Winner of B is Ecclestone.  Ecclestone will compete in A Division in 2023.  Winner of C is Briarwood.  Briarwood will compete in B Division in 2023.  Winner of Big Meet is Glenmore.  Most improve team is Ecclestone.  Winner of the 8 and under trophy is Elm Park.  Moving from A Division to B division in 2023 is TMR.  Moving from B Division to C Division in 2023 is Westpark.