Summer Swimmers Meet

Good morning.The Summer Swimmers Meet is only 1 week away!

The Glenmore committee and staff have been working hard to prepare for this event and host hundreds of swimmers and their families. 

Please promote the event with your summer swimmers and their parents. Glenmore has provided a flyer for all swim coaches. It is attached if you wish to make copies and hand out to your members, or post at the pool. 

New this year – 10 points will be awarded for each participant swimmer (max 100 points per pool). The total participation points earned will be included in the season aggregate score.

Below are the the most basic eligibility and participation rules. Full event details and rules are documented in the NAA constitution. For any questions contact Jason or myself. 


Steve Batah

NAA President A swimmer must have not participated in a winter aquatic program in the previous 24 months. This includes winter swimming, synchronized swimming, waterpolo or triathlon programs. Attending winter swimming lessons or participating in grade school or high school swimming competitions is acceptable. Any age group swimmer may swim in a maximum of three (3) events

2. 8.2.7 Each team is allowed three (3) official entries in each individual event.