Message from the
President of the Northshore Aquatic Association

Message from the
Vice-President of Competitive Swimming

It is a great pleasure to be amongst you once again for this year’s NAA Championship ‘Big’ Meet. One of the most anticipated events of the season, this meet celebrates, the support and work of dedicated coaches, parents, volunteers and officials, as well as the accomplishments of young swimmers who strive and work hard to learn, develop and succeed in swimming. 

As our 60th season comes to an end, let us take the time to appreciate the far-reaching impact of our activities in countless neighbourhoods across Montréal. Let us remember that over the last six decades, we have succeeded, together as volunteers, in providing our children with accessible opportunities to grow and pursue an aquatic discipline. Few are the community organizations who can match this achievement;  fewer are those who can pride themselves in being the home of dozens of national athletes. 

For the NAA is the backbone of the swimming community. Today, let us commemorate the thousands of volunteers and community leaders who have enabled us to reach this point, and continue to work together to serve countless children and families over the next decades.

Message from the
Briarwood Pool, Host of the Championship Meet

This event would not be possible without the help of the NAA and associated pools who have supported us and helped ensure the event is a success. 

We know how hard the athletes and coaches have worked throughout the summer as well as the parents who provide continuous support to the athletes. We also want to take the opportunity to thank all the volunteers who, day in and day out work to ensure our wonderful pools continue to thrive for generations to come.